"If you're planning to travel from Tokyo to Nagoya, we highly recommend taking the highway bus. The
average travel time for a highway bus from Tokyo to Nagoya is around 6 hours. There are not only
overnight buses departing from Tokyo at night and arriving in Nagoya in the morning, but also daytime
buses that leave Tokyo in the morning and arrive in Nagoya by the evening. You can choose the most
suitable option based on your schedule!
Choosing to take a highway bus from Tokyo to Nagoya offers significant cost advantages over taking the
Shinkansen or flying. Additionally, you can enjoy the scenic views along the way, making your journey
more interesting and enjoyable. Highway bus tickets are typically much cheaper than Shinkansen tickets,
making them an economical choice, especially for budget-conscious travelers.
Nagoya is not only an important city located between Tokyo and Osaka, but it also boasts many famous
tourist attractions. For example, Nagoya Castle, known for its golden shachihoko, Atsuta Shrine, a
well-known spiritual site, and Sakae, a vibrant shopping and entertainment district. These attractions
draw many visitors to the city.
Taking a highway bus also offers flexible departure and arrival times. The overnight buses departing
from Tokyo allow you to get a good night's sleep on the bus, saving you the cost of one night's
accommodation. Daytime buses are perfect for those who enjoy sightseeing during the day. Whether you're
traveling for business or leisure, a highway bus can meet your needs.
When traveling to Nagoya, Japan's fourth-largest city, consider the highly cost-effective highway bus!
It not only helps you save on transportation costs but also makes your journey more flexible and
enjoyable. Choose a highway bus to make your trip from Tokyo to Nagoya more convenient and economical."
If the bus code starts with an X or a Z then you can make a booking from one month in advance.
For all other buses, bookings can be made between 1 and 4 months before the intended departure
We suggest that you visit our website closer to your desired departure date and make a booking