Hokkaido Transit Bus


When you travel the vast lands of Hokkaido, you may be led to believe that your only options are plane or train. In reality, if you are planning to travel to Hokkaido we recommend the bus.
If you make a reservation in advance then the procedure is seamless. Unlike taking the train there is no need to make any transfers. For example, if you travel from Sapporo to Hakodate with its spectacular night scenery by express train, the journey will cost you between ¥8,000 - ¥9,000 and take about 4 hours.
However, if you take the "KOUSOKU HAKODATE" highway bus it will cost less than half the price (¥3,680) and take only about 5 hours and 40 minutes.
Also, if you travel to Furano on the patchwork road from Sapporo or the popular Asahiyama Zoo by train you will have to make many transfers and have limited train options. With the bus, you can visit all these places without changing once and you will also have your own seat.
Make a reservation on www.kososkubus.com/en if you want a stress free travel option that is easy on the wallet.

If the bus code starts with an X or a Z then you can make a booking from one month in advance. For all other buses, bookings can be made between 1 and 4 months before the intended departure date.
We suggest that you visit our website closer to your desired departure date and make a booking then.

Major Bus Stops

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